
Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Sleek Be Beautiful Blemish Balm Review

Being dubbed as the ultimate all in one dream cream, Sleek Makeup launched its very own BB cream on August 29th and wait for it …… actually caters to women of colour sort of!  Gone are the days of ash, chalkiness and wasted money?.....Maybe not quite.  Now I am not going to go into a rant as to why it has taken so long for a company to make a product that allows women of darker skin and even some paler women to join in  the fun and enjoy the phenomenon of BB creams as many bloggers have done it so eloquently already. Obviously there are some lucky people who haven’t had this problem but I know a large percentage who have so I will just rave about this product.

I had heard about this product on the grape vine and after reading a few trusty blogs took myself off to superdrugs to acquire this "miracle balm" on the 4th of September. For a mere £8.99 this beauty balm contains SPF 15 and can be used as a primer or tinted moisturiser. It promises to hydrate skin while providing full coverage, concealing blemishes and offering anti-ageing benefits and lives up to this. I have found that depending on how much you use it can work as a tinted moisturiser or be used for full coverage its all about making it work for you. I rarely wear a full proper face as I am lazy and I start to feel the make up after a while so this good for me so far.

My skin really does feel amazing all day and it has lasting power. It brightened up my skin and hid my blemishes well. It is thick but not heavy and it didn’t feel as though I had anything on my face. It is very moisturising so you don’t need to put any cream on before hand. This is a really cool product and I use it as an alternative to foundation as I don’t like wearing it everyday. This offers me an alternative that for when my skin needs a boost. I will say the tone is slightly too deep/red but with buffing it works.Unfortunately there are only four shades so a wide range of tones and shades won't be catered to.

The cream is choc-o-bloc full of goodies such as skin loving multi-vitamins, red algae, protein peptides , Vitamin C,  Vitamin E  and jojoba oil. I would definitely recommend this product as a must buy of 2012!

P.s Make sure you match the BB cream to your face/ neck depending on what you want to match and not your hand. If your like me then your hands are a bit lighter than your face so it wont be a true match.

Stephanie aka Wednesdays Girl

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