
Saturday, 19 April 2014

TonyMoly haul

Hi all,
 I ordered these adorable lip gloss bars from TonyMoly a while back, after seeing them on a few blogs and deciding to try something new.

L-R Tony Moly petite bunny gloss bars number 3 juicy apple  and 7 neon orange

I have been aware of TonyMoly for a while and they were on my list of things to try. 
I have been wanting to try more
Asian products specifically Korean and Japanese but I just hadn't got around to it.
So I am diving in.
It can be a bit tricky to find these in the UK so after checking a few Korean sites carrying them, I headed over to my trusty friend eBay and found some great deals.

I picked up these two (3 and 7) for £5.77 including p+p, which arrived very fast.
Number 3 is a really nice pinky berry colour and number 7 is part of their neon collection and a lovely orange. They aren't deep solid colours but they do provide a lovely moisturising sheer wash of colour. I have received a fair few comments on the colours as well as the cute lil faces on the packaging.
They have a nice scent and last a good while.

To be honest I am not the "girliest" of girls but I was drawn to their packaging and have amused myself at work with the cap faces for minutes at a time. So for me I wanted to try these for the cute packaging as much as for the product.

I don't think I would buy any more from the 9 gloss collection as some of the colours look very similar from the swatches I have seen.

So far so good!

Free samples

I also got some free samples YAY! I am yet to try them but I am so looking forward to it. I won't however be trying the bb cream from Etude house as it won't be my skin colour and it has whitening properties written on the package which is so not up my street 0.o. I am aware on some Asian cosmetics packaging whitening and brightening are used interchangeable but this isn't one of those times.

Until next time ......

Stephanie aka Wednesdays Girl

Don't forget to come find me and    

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