
Friday, 12 December 2014

Christmas party season prep

The Christmas party season is now upon us and for those who want a few simple, quick and easy pampering treatments to see you through the whirlwind of dnners, bars, drinks, house parties and the infamous office party look no further!

To keep the drying effects of drinking and general wear & tear at bay reach for The Body Shop Warming Mineral Mask and AMAZING Brazened Honey from Lush.
The warming mineral mask is a lovely deep cleaning  clay mask that absorbs oil yet keeps the skin supple and moisturised. Coupled with the invigorating fresh ingredients in Brazened Honey you have a winning combination. Ginger, lime and fennel will add zing to your skin and as Honey is a humectant it will give the face a big moisture boost. All this equals plump and youthful skin.

I picked up I Sao Paulo over there (cheapest price found online) and Ciate Beach Hut (cheapest priced item online) in TK Maxx   for £3.99 each and have been alternating between them ever since. Neither are traditional winter nail polish colours but I absolutely adore them. The depth in I sao Paulo over there makes it a very sophisticated tone and think the reflective quality of Beach hut makes it very festive. 

Last but not least is the wonder product that is Lucas' Papaw Ointment. I have used this for years and recently started using it consistently this year. I use this for my lips but it can be used for absolutely anything and works so well. I even like the fomented papaw scent 0.o- I know.
This is an absolute must for me especially when using lipstick. With so many textured finishes, reapplying and wiping lipsticks off my lips are going to take a battering this season before thinking about how drying the English winter can be in general.

What are your Christmas party prep items?

Stephanie aka Wednesdays Girl

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