
Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Homemade Hibiscus hair mask

Hey guys,

It's March already and I am sad to say I have only done 2 hair masks this year ahhhhh!
I know, not hitting them life goals lol.

I am really into natural, homemade masks so I think I am getting away with it as one of my fav masks incorporates Hibiscus which packs all kinds of goodness into your hair. Hibiscus is a really good natural remedy for so many things. It strengthens weak or damaged hair, promotes hair growth and reduces shedding and nourishes the hair shaft. To find out more click here.

Homemade natural hibiscus hair mask

Mixture includes:
6 heaped tablespoons of hair conditioner (whatever you use)
4 heaped tablespoons of plain natural yoghurt or Greek
1 table spoon of fresh ground dried Hibiscus petals
3 drops of tea tree essential oil
2 drops of peppermint essential oil
2 teaspoons of natural honey
2 tablespoons aloe vera water
1 tablespoon of Castor oil
1 tablespoon of Coconut oil
1 teaspoon Jojoba oil
1 teaspoon Grapeseed oil

keep in for 30 mins to 1 hour minimum.

If you have short hair this will make enough for 2 masks for store the remainder in the fridge for a maximum of 2 weeks. With my big fro I can use all of this if I am going for a really deep mask conditioner. This mixture softens, moisturises and strengthens you hair. you will definitely see a difference in shine and the general feel of you hair.

You will need to rinse you hair thoroughly and give it a shake to ensure no bits are left in your hair.

ALERT: those with blonde or lightened hair may experience slight dying of the hair so if lavender isn't your look for SS15 maybe steer clear!

What is your go to hair mask?

Stephanie aka Wednesdays Girl

Don't forget to come find me and    

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