
Tuesday, 3 November 2015

The discovery of blogs: Ms. Wednesdays Girl Liebster award nomination!

Hi Lovers,

  I've been been nominated for a Liebster award by the lovely Lauren Samone 
over at The Leaux Project
A massive shout out to her for nominating me.
 I always forget there are people everywhere reading my blog so go check her out.

“Here’s how the Liebster Award works: after you’re nominated, you create a post over on your blog about the award. 
1-  Thank your nominator (with a link back over to their blog).
2-  Answer the 10 questions they created for you.
3- Create 10 new questions and pose them to 10 new bloggers you want to nominate.
*I take this to mean a new blog to the reader instead of how long the blog has been running* 
4- The nominees should all be bloggers with less than 200 followers.” 
*I am assuming this can be any of their social media networks. 
I am being a little flexible with this part as I really enjoy the blogs I am nominating and think they deserve a little exposure.*

Laurens' questions:

The Cliche Question: Why did you start blogging?

I have always been a creative person and the idea of blogging seemed to be a outlet where my creativity was solely on my terms. 
There are so many but one that has kind of been incorporated into the blog is "Festina Lente". 

My friends always ask me for beauty advice, where I bought something, 
if I know where to find it cheaper or if I can make a D.I.Y beauty treatment. 
Along with their encouragement, I decided to put it in one place. 
If my friends wanted to know surely others would too.
 I also love trying stuff out and writing so hey a great creative space was born.

What’s 1 thing you’d like to achieve as a blogger in 2016?
I would love to grow as a blogger and be more consistent. 
I have been much better this year and want to continue. I am also working on my photography.

What was the motivation behind your blog name?
*Sigh* blogger names are sooo hard! I tried lots different name combos.
I am actually born on a Wednesday and Wednesdays aka hump day just 
seems to be a beacon of light for a lot of people. Its not all woeful on a Wednesday!

Who are you rocking out to?! Give me your top 3 favorite artists?
Gallant- weight in gold
Magic system- Premier Gauo
It’s time to go SHOPPING! If you could splurge on anything OR at any store what/where would you go!?
I am guessing the Internet is out? 
I think it would be in Aldo for a  pair of stunning ankle boots,
 that they don't have in my size and I would hit up Carnaby street.

What’s 1 thing you LOVE about your city? List more if you’d like!
Ahhh London, it has an incredibly intense energy. 
As with most places it isn't perfect but it is very multicultural, 
there is always something happening and you learn something new everyday. 
It's mostly grey and erratic weather is the norm but being a Londoner you just roll.

Soundtrack: What’s 1 song that describes your life?
This is so hard as I don't think one song could encapsulate my whole existence.
However songs that describe these moments are 
Naughty boy ft Emeli Sandé Wonder and Rudimental ft Will Heard I will for love

Salty or Sweet: Which do you prefer?
Both, I am experimental!
Hula hoops originals and Galaxy chocolate, thank me later!

Describe your personal Style
An eclectic mix. I love mixing and matching.
 My clothes reflect part of my personality and how I feel.
I love the 90's dresses and boots combo, mixing causal with dressier pieces, a bold lip is life, 
sourcing statement jewellery and being comfortable in my choice. 
I never box myself  in. I wear what I like.

Beauty secrets! I know you have 1. Spill it!

Experimentation is good but you don't need to bombard your face and body 
with every product on the market!
1- Listen to your skin. 
2- Try making some of your own products. 
like Coconut oil or Shea butter whip
3- Floral waters make great toners if your skin is having a odd phase.
4- Eyebrows are important. Shape them well but don't demolish them. 
You will need them in future trust me!!!

**Extra** Do you have a favorite quote or words of wisdom that you live by

It means make haste slowly and can be seen in my header logo. 

The angel wing on the left is actually a tattoo I have and designed myself.
 For me this means not rushing and having to do certain things again. 
When I do it, I do it how I want it and the right way/ time for me.
 For blogging this is important as I am not looking to see where other bloggers are.
Or trying to compete, just getting where I am going and doing 
what I am doing in the time and fashion meant for me.

The nominations are:
Christine - Yve's Child
Michelle Last big tree
Brooke- Brooke-Elise
Sherida Sherida daily
Andreia - Diary of a lover
Remi - Hands of style
Saoirse AKA Sterling- Xleptodactylous
Paola- Finding Paola

My questions:

  1. What is your secret talent?
  2. Name 3 skills you have learnt through blogging.
  3. How has blogging impacted your life?
  4. What was the first thing that made you laugh today?
  5. Shopping for homeware or shopping for your favourite foods?
  6. Favourite season to style?
  7. The Zombie apocalypse is in full swing and you've decided to blog, as a way to connect with other survivors and update the world (wi-fi has survived lol).
     What is in your on the move blogger kit?
  8. Name a perfume/spray that is the scent of your life or linked to a special memory.
  9. Name one hidden gem in your city/ area everyone should visit.
  10. Name a place that inspires you to blog.
 A big thank you once again to Lauren for nominating me. Check out her Liebster answers hereIt is always nice to be recognised by fellow bloggers who know how much effort goes into what we do and appreciate it as a creator and reader.

Stephanie aka Wednesdays Girl

Don't forget to come find me and    

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